Saturday, January 17, 2015

I'm back. Sorry I've been gone.

Last year around New Year's I made a commitment to read 52 books during 2014 and write reviews for them (reviews to be posted here).

Guess what?

I didn't make it. I read somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 books (I also didn't do a good job of tracking them). And I wrote exactly one review, in my journal, which I never got posted anywhere.

It was a pretty spectacular failure, as far as commitments go.

Ever one to punish myself, I decided to do nearly the exact same thing this year. I committed to read 52 books, but left out the commitment to post reviews.

So, of course, now I want to post them.

We'll see what happens. I've actually read 5 books so far this year (a very good start) and I have some sitting next to me, waiting to be read. But I don't want to start any more until I've written at least 2 reviews. I'll post the first one soon. The next will be a review over 3 books in the same series (I read them so quickly, I can't separate them out in my head, let alone in reviews). Then we'll see how we progress. Don't expect me to write about all of them. But maybe you'll see more from me than last year.

Which won't be hard, since I posted nothing last year.

Stay tuned....

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