Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pottermore: Day One

Yes, I am a geek.

Or at least a really big fan. I've loved the Harry Potter books for a long time, but this opening of the Pottermore site comes just at the height of a big HP summer for me. My son is finally reading the books, but he is doing it by reading AND listening to the brilliant audiobooks recorded by Jim Dale. And because some of that reading has been done on long trips, or just in the house, while this miserable heat wave made it too yucky to be outside, I've been listening too. And re-reading.

Then there was the final movie, The Deathly Hallows, Part 2. Even though he had only read through the 4th book by opening weekend, my son and I re-watched all 7 of the previous movies, getting ready for the last. [Yes, I own them all. Doesn't everyone?]

So was it any wonder that I ended up obsessively checking a website for half the night?

Jumped onto Twitter - which I only seem to do for book contests - and heard that something would be released at 8:00 a.m. English time. Just 2:00 a.m. my time, I've stayed up that late before. But when 2 came and went, and the tweets changed to "it will be sometime after 8," I headed to bed.

Woke up at 7:41 to this screen.


Near as I can figure, it went live about 11:00 in England, which would have been 5:00 here. But the time is supposed to change every day. I will not give up.

While I was waiting, I surfed around. Pottermore has its own official blog, and is posting information about the challenge. And I found someone who blogged about getting accepted, with lots of cool screen shots. If you want to know what it's like, read this.


  1. Thanks so much for linking to my blog! Best of luck for registering in day 3. Rumour has it that it's going to be 11AM UK time :)

  2. Danarazzi -

    You are so welcome. I was inspired by actually seeing the screens you posted. And I don't know where you get your information, but it's very good. I got registered (see post) on Day 3, at what was 11am UK time.

    Hope to see you on Pottermore!
